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2025-01-19 - Freewheeling Apps

Infrastructure for debugging.

audio/video; 4 minutes; 25MB; scroll down for shorter clips


For a while now I've been trying to improve the way I program. I've made some progress. I can edit my programs live, and the tooling that enables it is not much code.

Here is the template I create new apps from. It starts out with something silly: every time I click with my mouse it draws a random rectangle.


Here is the code for this app.

There's not much right now, but it grows from here and in principle the app continues running as it evolves.

But debugging is still hard. It takes a long time to streamline my thinking about each new problem. I often print information to the terminal, and then struggle to visualize the text my program is printing. And if I draw debug information on the canvas, it competes for space with the app.

So I think I need new infrastructure. There are probably tools I could use that are too hard to build while deep in something else. One such tool is a windowing system. As my app runs it can dump things to other windows, and I can show them separately from my app.

Here's a window where it just prints text like I would otherwise send to the terminal.

Here's a window that plots what I draw to a 2D surface very like the app, except I can add instruments like these axes and dimensions.


The metaphor for the space is also different. My actions can have different meanings. Where the app uses mouse clicks to add new rectangles, here I can pan around.

Here's another view. This time I have some splits and multiple windows in them.


Each of these windows is a log I can scroll around in. But the stuff in the log is graphical. This one shows each rectangle drawn separately. This one focuses on just their positions, this one on just their dimensions. This one shows just widths, and this one just heights. All these windows have the same metaphor, and actions have similar meanings. But the data in them is different.

Finally, here's yet another debug view of this app. This time it's showing the sequence of actions in time rather than space, looping back when it reaches the end. I can also adjust the replay speed.


The code for this windowing system lives with my app, and this is all there is. I have some event handlers to choose from over here, and I can compose them together to create windows here. Then I compose layouts from the windows here. My app will grow downward and to the right, and lower level infrastructure will be easy to ignore above and to the left.

Hopefully this infrastructure will be helpful the next time I dig myself into a hole. It's easier now to create new places to draw debug information.

2025-01-16 - Freewheeling Apps

I've been trying some new stuff lately:

Anyways, here's a little program I made to try to stretch Decker to more of the sort of procedural graphics I tend to gravitate towards on LÖVE:

This is dancing letters, a fixed piece of text except we're constantly switching the case of each letter at random.

Here's the code, to give you a flavor for what Decker's quite elegant mix of Lua and APL looks like:

local s: "abcdef"  # put in whatever text you want

on view do
  if ! 5%sys.frame
    local y:each c in s random["%u","%l"] format c end
    local margin:15
    me.text[y margin,margin,me.size-margin*2]
And here's that code along with the surrounding card (you need a canvas widget to be present just so) in a less readable form that you can copy and paste into a deck of your own:

%%CRD0{"c":{"name":"home","script":"on view do\n \nend","widgets":{"canvas":{"type":"canvas","size":[300,200],"pos":[48,51],"animated":1,"volatile":1,"script":"local s: \"Call me Ishmael.  Some years ago--never mind how long precisely--having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.  It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation.  Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off--then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.\"\n\non view do\n if ! 5%sys.frame\n  me.clear[]\n  local y:each c in s random[\"%u\",\"%l\"] format c end\n  local margin:15\n  me.text[y (margin,margin,me.size-margin*2)]\n end\nend","border":1,"scale":1}}},"d":{}}

2025-01-16 - journal @

i'm doing a 15-day self-directed "art residency" in which my main goal is to draw rough drafts of comics i've been wanting to flesh out for a while. one of the main rules of this residency is that i don't go on instagram. i started doing 10-day breaks from it during july last year (when i was conveniently on vacation elsewhere and therefore easier to follow through new behaviour) and this is my first attempt at doing a half-month break. what has worked: if i'm on the app, i'm on the app. i look, like, comment, react, whatever. i get updated. i socialize as far as socializing there entails, so when it's time to plug out, i very much welcome the break. i've done it a few times that i feel like i've found the sweet spot that works for me.

it still takes a while to acclimate to the silence of those social media breaks, but even that process is enjoyable because then i start to think of my projects and actually take a stab at them. i also take the time to listen to new music as i do it to help stimulate the flow of thought. right now i really love doechii and cindy lee and revisiting joanna newsom. one added plus is that without social media, there suddenly seems to be a bit more time to think.

2025-01-15 - Apropos of nothing

On holiday season I have cloud apps on my mind. Most people seem to find them a boring subject, but they're important tools nowadays, for sharing files with each other and between devices (short version: use CryptPad, it's the best right now).

I also wrote a story between Xmas and New Year, kind of a very short fanfic. It's my first in over a year, and it sucks, but still better than nothing. Didn't expect I would show it to anyone, but my friends actually thought it was fun! Go figure.

January lived in bullet points:

Now to see what happens next. Looks to me like a perfect storm is coming for the world, and pretty soon at that.

2025-01-11 Langdev January - Devine Lu Linvega's journal

It has become something of a yearly ritual to take the first few days of the year to write a new implementation of the compiler I use daily. It serves to see how my programming style and solutions to these now familiar problems might have evolved, it also ensures that the language itself doesn't grow beyond what I am capable of implementing in at most a week's time.

The most discernible difference in this new implementation, is that it leans heavily on object-oriented patterns, by favoring methods acting on private values, over pointer arithmetic by function application. The stack is principally used as the communication channel between objects, for example, a text object's buffer is only ever modified through its explicitly defined capabilities, not by a function taking a text pointer. It turns out it limits bugs, it is faster and even often smaller!

2025-01-10 — December - Caffeine's Monthly Digest

It was hard.

2025, please be gentle.

2025-01-02 Fun with family - a

Dev & I have spent the last month visiting family. Much of the temperature this month was below zero, but we were well-dressed and drank lots and lots of tea. I cooked a ton. I made pies, tourtières, cookies, pizzas, breads, lasagnas, etc. Cooking for others is usually a stressful affair for me, but I do not experience this with family. I really love sharing meals with my parents, when I leave I will miss this.

ART. I released a new rabbit waves page about Ground to Air Communication.

MOVIES. We watched Alien: Romulus the other day. I am a big fan of the first Alien film (only that one). Alien: Covenant was so terrible, so full of gratuitous violence, that I was a bit concerned, I was not eager to have to sit through something like that again, but I remembered Lizbeth mentioning that it was very good, so we gave it a watch. It was excellent. I really loved David Jonsson's portrayal of a synthetic. The horror was well balanced, and the use of analog effects was so worth it — loved the facehugger animatronics(YouTube). I did not love that they revived Ian Holm for this film, the effect was not well done.
I also watched Vampire Humaniste Cherche Suicidaire Consentant, a vampire film produced in Quebec about a teenage vampire who refuses to kill to eat, and so searches for someone who consents to die. I loved this film.
Another notable film that I watched this month was Nope by Jordan Peele. I really loved it, it's a good cautionary tale, and to me was reminiscent of the book Le Péril Bleu by Maurice Renard.

MUSIC. I was introduced to Carousel From Hell by Lust$ickPuppy, it is excellent.

QUOTESImagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.A quote by Albert Einstein

CALL TO ACTION. After being wrongly incarcerated for 5 months, Paul Watson, an activist, was released from prison in Greenland!



2025-01-01 - Interipelli's Journal

All of the Shin Devil Children fan fiction I had planned for 2024 is finished, leaving only Raindare's chapters (Grocery Run and Through the Circle) as remaining works in progress. She's still tied up by other fiction projects that she can't talk about right now. We're both quite proud of how this little exercise turned out.

Wrapping up 2024, we've got one final retrospective following up where the mid-year retro left off. These will be the last of the behind the scenes website meta articles. I think our work speaks for itself.

2024-12-31 - Welcome Home Deary :3

A new year is arriving! Help, where is it coming from! Why does this keep happening!! I hope u have a very nice start to 2025 and get some nice new shoes!

I added a new Voicemail page here you can leave some voice mails! Im also working on a new newsletter, PLUS you can make your own newsletter now toooo!

2024-12-29 - Devine Lu Linvega's journal

I've been trying to take it easy, but it has been difficult. I haven't been able to consistently save a rest day between social events like I hoped. So, I savour each little quiet inbetween moment I can find, whenever in transit or waiting for guests to arrive, stealing a bit of time to read and relax.

How dearly I wish I had time to write more, and if I hadn't left our camera aboard, take some pictures.

2024-12-29 - Freewheeling Apps

After a conversation with Jack Rusher and others about Emacs Nature [1, 2] and playing with Seymour by Alessandro Warth, I'm getting interested in building..

An environment for visualizing programs

(Not to be confused with visual programs, or visualization more generally.)

Examples of coordinate spaces:

Some examples of messages, to show the sorts of use cases this framework might unlock:

The major question for me now is: how do you configure a buffer? You need some concise way to specify the space (perhaps just by naming from a small menu of options), handlers that listen for messages (e.g. keypress or mousepress), handlers for sending messages (e.g. widgets on the space that perform tasks when you interact with them), and generic handlers for sending messages to other buffers (e.g. print; here I'm imagining it to send a message from some arbitrary process, through say a socket, back into the environment, with enough information to route it to the appropriate buffer accompanied by a reasonable coordinate)